In the Academic and Public Research World, TiPeaks, FPAMap, Autodeconvolution and StackMaps are distributed under the terms of the Scientific Software Open Source Academic For Free License. This License sets the programs and the codes GRATIS and Open Source, and grants Freedom to use, copy, study, modify and redistribute them. But these policies hold only within the Academic and Public Research world. Thus the Academic World can be reassured that the normal research academic policies in working with scientific software are granted by this license. And it goes even beyond GNU-GPL, since it explicitly sets GRATIS the softwares.
On the other hand, we would like to reassure also the Commercial World. Indeed, the Scientific Software Open Source Academic For Free License IS NOT like other, commonly spread Open Source Free licenses, GNU-GPL or other. In the sense that the present License well keeps into account all the needs and the way of functioning of the Commercial and Profit Institutions World.
Into this world, TiPeaks, FPAMap, Autodeconvolution and StackMaps programs are going to be distributed under other Licenses, to be negotiated from case to case. In this case they are paying codes, and exclusiveness for a certain merceological sector, or even full exclusiveness can be agreed with commercial institutions. This protects commercial institutions investements on applied research lines using the programs codes against concurrential actions, a posteriori possible to concurrent commercial institutions for codes licensed under commonly spread Open Source Free licenses. We agree with the Commercial World that these licenses revealed not compatible with the ordinary way of functioning in the Commercial World.
This is the reason why we choosed a different licence policy for TiPeaks, FPAMap and Autodeconvolution: to make Commercial Institutions profit of the Basic Research ByProducts. And at the same time, to make the Basic Research benefit of the funding coming from the Commercial World, to finance the Basic Research itself.
Please, if you are a commercial institution, take the time to read at least the Preamble of the Scientific Software Open Source Academic For Free License. And you will realize that this is exactly the policy and the philosophy that can work to conciliate your way of functioning and the normal behaviour of academic research. Such as everybody can profit of the exchange between the two worlds.